Import Multiple Stations to Seirios RNS from Excel File

Seirios RNS Feature Documentation: Bulk Station Management

Seirios RNS (Robot Navigation Software) introduces a powerful feature that significantly enhances the efficiency of defining navigation stations for robots. This document covers the steps to utilize the new bulk station management feature, which allows users to import station details from an Excel file. This feature can create or update over 500+ stations in a matter of seconds, a significant improvement over the manual method. The feature is available from version 4.30.1 for both Frontend and Backend.

Feature Summary

The bulk station management feature enables users to define multiple stations simultaneously by importing data from an Excel file. This reduces the manual effort required to set stations one by one, which can be time-consuming and prone to error.


- Efficiency: Import over 500+ stations in a few seconds.

- Accuracy: Reduces human errors associated with manual data entry.

- Convenience: Manage station updates and deletions through a simple Excel interface.

Setup Instructions

1. Preparation of Files

- Download Scripts and Template File: Begin by downloading the scripts `` and `` here. Prepare an Excel file named `updated_station_list.xlsx` containing 5 columns:

- station_name

- station_id: Leave this column blank; it will be automatically populated or updated when the scripts are run.

- position_x: X-coordinate of the station in meters.

- position_y: Y-coordinate of the station in meters.

- orientation_theta: Orientation in degrees.

Alternatively, a template of this Excel file can be downloaded from .

- File Location: Copy all three files (``, ``, `updated_station_list.xlsx`) to `~/catkin_ws/movel_ai/config`.

2. Editing the Station List

- Add new rows to define new stations in the `updated_station_list.xlsx` file. Fill in details except for the `station_id` as it is handled by the script.

- To update existing stations, modify the `station_name`, `position_x`, and `orientation_theta` fields as needed. Do not alter the `station_id`.

- Important: Save and close the Excel file to ensure the `station_id` gets updated correctly.

Execution Instructions

Running the Scripts

1. Access Terminal: Open your terminal and run the following command to access the Docker container running Seirios RNS:

docker exec -it seirios-ros bash

2. Navigate to the Configuration Directory:

cd /home/movel/.config/movel/config/

3. Create or Update Stations:


4. Delete Stations (if necessary):


5. Refresh the UI: Refresh the user interface to view and verify the changes made to the stations.


For further assistance or queries regarding the bulk station management feature, please contact our support team at or visit our support page .

This feature is designed to streamline your robotic navigation setup and updates, making process management more efficient and less labor-intensive. For optimal use, ensure that all instructions are correctly followed and that the file and column names are kept consistent as specified.

Last updated