Seirios RNS導航軟體 技術資源 外部設備整合包External Process Handler external_process_handler 外部設備整合包是一套完整的程序,可以提供使用者去執行外部的任務,整合到Seirios的介面上。
Pre-setup: 請確保你的Seirios運行正常。
本指南向您展示如何使用 external_process_handler
外部設備整合包,將您自己的程序作為插件整合到 Seirios 中。
0. 安裝 Movel Seirios 訊息
若您是 Ubuntu 20.04, ROS Noetic的使用者 :
請至以下連結下載 .deb package:
移動 .deb 此安裝包的你的資料夾,打開終端視窗,請執行此指令 sudo apt install ./ros-noetic-movel-seirios-msgs_0.0.0-0focalXXX64.deb
Git clone this repo here: into your catkin workspace .
Run catkin_make
this repo to compile so that it will be usable.
你需要功能去與 external_program_handler
你的程式中必須有一些東西可以告訴 Seirios 啟動程序和停止程序。 啟動時,可以使用 ROS 服務或啟動文件來完成。 需要停止時,可以使用 ROS 服務或訂閱主題來完成
以下為程式碼範例 (python and c++)
請確保您正在複製正確類型的程式碼。 不要將 c++ 代碼複製到 python 程序中,反之亦然。
1.1. 使用ROS service 去啟動 & 停止一個程式
在您的程序中,添加一個服務,將其命名為 service_start
。 編寫一個處理程序 start_handler
。 同樣,編寫一個回調 stop_handler
你必須 使用Seirios程式包。
要使用該程式包,請在下面添加導入語句。 如果您使用 C++,還必須包括其他配置。
Python C++
Copy from movel_seirios_msgs . srv import StringTrigger , StringTriggerResponse # like setbool
Copy #include <movel_seirios_msgs/StringTrigger.h>
C++ 的額外配置
對於 C++ 程序,您還必須在自己包中的 package.xml 中添加 movel_seirios_msgs
Copy <depend>movel_seirios_msgs</depend>
在自己的程式包CMakeLists.txt中, 添加 movel_seirios_msgs
,在此 find_package
Copy find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
1.2. 使用主題來停止程序
如果您是從 UI 發布停止主題來停止程序,請參閱本節。 否則,忽略它。
請撰寫訂閱者 topic_process_cancel
去訂閱此UI主題, 其中 handle_publish_cancel
1.3. 發布客戶的狀態
如果您從啟動文件啟動程序,請參閱本節。 否則,忽略它。
請撰寫發布者 client_status
,如果運行成功,請發佈2 ; 如果運行失敗,請發布3。
2. 範例程式碼
回調函數中的程式碼,只是用於測試 external_process_handler
的填充代碼。 可以使用您自己的開始程式碼和停止程式碼來替換它們。
Python C++
Copy #!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from movel_seirios_msgs . srv import StringTrigger , StringTriggerResponse # like setbool
from std_msgs . msg import Bool , UInt8
class Pytest :
def __init__ ( self ):
print ( 'starting test node' )
self . node = rospy . init_node ( 'python_test' )
self . service_start = rospy . Service ( '/external_process/trigger_detecting' , StringTrigger, self.start_handler)
self . service_stop = rospy . Service ( '/external_process/stop_detecting' , StringTrigger, self.stop_handler)
# IGNORE dummy_publisher - just to simulate UI cancel topic
self . dummy_publisher = rospy . Publisher ( '/cancel_publish' , Bool, queue_size = 1 )
self . topic_process_cancel = rospy . Subscriber ( '/cancel_publish' , Bool, self.handle_publish_cancel)
self . client_status = rospy . Publisher ( '/external_process/client_status' , UInt8, queue_size = 1 )
self . flag = True
def start_handler ( self , req ):
print ( 'inside start handler' )
start_msg = StringTriggerResponse ()
start_msg . success = True
start_msg . message = 'starting detect'
self . flag = True
self . publish_client_status ()
while (self . flag) :
print ( 'executing something' )
rospy . sleep ( 1 )
return start_msg # return must be [success, message format]
def stop_handler ( self , req ):
print ( 'inside stop handler' )
self . flag = False
print ( 'stop handler called' )
stop_msg = StringTriggerResponse ()
stop_msg . success = False
stop_msg . message = 'stopping detect'
return stop_msg
# IGNORE if you are not using a topic to stop your code
def handle_publish_cancel ( self , req ):
print ( "inside publish cancel" ,
cancel_trigger = req . data
if (cancel_trigger) :
print ( 'executing cancel stuff' ) # replace print statement
# IGNORE if you are not using launch files
def publish_client_status ( self ):
print ( "publish client status called" )
cstatus = UInt8 ()
#Dummy code
#Decide how do you determine if your launch file is successful
#And replace the if-else statement
if (self . flag == True ) :
cstatus . data = 2 # if start_handler successfully called, task is successful and return 2
else :
cstatus . data = 3 # else task not successful, return 3
self . client_status . publish (cstatus)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
py_test = Pytest ()
rospy . spin ()
Copy #include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Bool.h>
#include <std_msgs/UInt8.h>
#include <movel_seirios_msgs/StringTrigger.h>
class Cpptest {
private :
ros :: ServiceServer service_start;
ros :: ServiceServer service_stop;
ros :: Publisher dummy_publisher;
ros :: Subscriber topic_process_cancel;
ros :: Publisher client_status;
bool flag;
public :
Cpptest (ros :: NodeHandle * nh) {
service_start = nh -> advertiseService ( "/external_package/triggering_detect_cpp" , & Cpptest :: start_handler , this );
service_stop = nh -> advertiseService ( "/external_package/stopping_detect_cpp" , & Cpptest :: stop_handler , this );
// Ignore dummy_publisher - just to simulate ui cancel button
dummy_publisher = nh -> advertise < std_msgs :: Bool > ( "/cancel_publish_cpp" , 10 );
topic_process_cancel = nh -> subscribe ( "/cancel_publish_cpp" , 1 , & Cpptest :: handle_publish_cancel , this );
client_status = nh -> advertise < std_msgs :: UInt8 > ( "/external_process/client_status_cpp" , 10 );
bool start_handler (movel_seirios_msgs :: StringTrigger :: Request & req , movel_seirios_msgs :: StringTrigger :: Response & res) {
std :: cout << "inside start handler\n" ;
res . success = true ;
res . message = "starting detect" ;
//std::cout << res << "\n";
flag = true ;
publish_client_status ();
std :: cout << "start handler flag " << flag << "\n" ;
return true ;
bool stop_handler (movel_seirios_msgs :: StringTrigger :: Request & req , movel_seirios_msgs :: StringTrigger :: Response & res) {
std :: cout << "inside stop handler\n" ;
res . success = false ;
res . message = "stopping detect" ;
//std::cout << res << "\n";
flag = false ;
std :: cout << "stop handler flag " << flag << "\n" ;
return true ;
// Ignore this method if not subscribing to stop topic
void handle_publish_cancel ( const std_msgs :: Bool & msg) {
std :: cout << "inside handle publish cancel\n" ;
bool cancel_trigger;
cancel_trigger = msg . data;
//std::cout << "published msg " << cancel_trigger << "\n";
if (cancel_trigger){
std :: cout << "do canceling stuff. cancel_trigger: " << cancel_trigger << "\n" ;
// Ignore this method if not using launch
void publish_client_status () {
std :: cout << "publish client status called\n" ;
std_msgs :: UInt8 cstatus;
if (flag) {
cstatus . data = 2 ;
else {
cstatus . data = 3 ;
std :: cout << "client status " << cstatus << "2 for success, 3 for fail \n" ;
client_status . publish (cstatus);
int main ( int argc , char** argv) {
ros :: init (argc , argv , "cpp_test" );
ros :: NodeHandle nh;
Cpptest cpp_test ( & nh);
ros :: spin ();
return 0 ;
3. 在Seirios裡更改檔案
3.1. 使用參數 external_process_handler
Copy watchdog_rate : 2.0
watchdog_timeout : 0
service_req : true
# Below 4 params are COMPULSORY if service_req is true
service_start : "/external_process/trigger_detecting"
service_start_msg : "" # Optional, may put blank string
service_stop : "/external_process/stop_detecting"
service_stop_msg : "" # Optional, may put blank string
launch_req : false
# Below 3 params COMPULSORY if launch_req is true
launch_package :
launch_file :
launch_nodes :
topic_cancel_req : true
# topic_process_cancel required if topic_cancel_req is true
topic_process_cancel : "external_process/cancel_publish"
client_status : # Required if launch_req true, optional otherwise
根據您啟動/停止程序的方式設置 service_req
和 topic_cancel_req
參數 service_start
3.2. 添加task supervisor 作為插件
將您的程式作為插件添加到task supervisor,以便 Seirios 運行,將配置插入 task_supervisor.yaml
Filepath: ../config/task_supervisor/config/
File to modify: task_supervisor.yaml
警告 :yaml 文件禁止tab鍵。 編輯 yaml 文件時,不要使用tab鍵來縮排。
在task supervisor的插件部分下,插入以下程式碼。 縮排必須與其他插件對齊。 您可以提供任何name
,但要確保它們不會與其他插件衝突。 請不要更改class
Copy plugins :
- { name : detecting , type : 10 , class : 'external_process_handler::ExternalProcessHandler' }
創建一個新部分。 請貼上該參數。
Copy detecting :
watchdog_rate : 2.0
watchdog_timeout : 0
service_req : true
launch_req : false
service_start : "/external_process/trigger_detecting" #required if service_req is true
service_start_msg : "" #optional if there is any particular msg needs to sent or else empty string
service_stop : "/external_process/stop_detecting" #required if service_req is true
service_start_msg : "" #optional if there is any particular msg needs to sent or else empty string
#launch_package: "yocs_velocity_smoother" #required if launch_req is true
#launch_file: "standalone.launch" #required if launch_req is true
#launch_nodes: "/nodelet_manager /velocity_smoother" #required if launch_req is true
topic_cancel_req : true
topic_process_cancel : "external_process/cancel_publish"
對於 C++ 程式,請記住在您自己的程式包中,要正確設置 CMakeLists.txt
和 package.xml
欲了解更多信息,請點擊此處。 click here .