Seirios RNS' core features
The following features are bundled with the following features.
Please refer to the respective features' page for additional details, images and information by referring to the menu on the left or by clicking the hyperlinks below.
Multi-floor Navigation (MFN) (coming soon)
Multi-storey Navigation (MSN)(coming soon)
Task Manager (Tasklist and Scheduler)
Seirios RNS is a visually rich product that combines modern web and robotic technologies. The following highlight features for your various use and applications
Seirios RNS' features can be divided into three categories:
Core Features : features that enable the robot to move manually and/or autonomously
Supplementary Features : features that supplement and improve the core features
Robotic Features : features that non visual and only configurable from the robotic backend
After logging into Seirios RNS, you will see the Dashboard first
The dashboard is the first page that you see after logging in. After mapping, saving and loading a map, it will be visualised here;
Speed controls, analog/keyboard control and toggle, and mode-dependent buttons will be displayed in this panel. This panel can be toggled to be hidden or shown too.
Note that E-stop
will disconnect power to the motors and will render the robot immovable. To abort/clear tasks in the queue, choose Clear tasks
Under this category, users can manually drive their robots
Drive - to manually drive the robot with the onboard controls (keyboard or analog)
Granular controls are automatically applied; similar to a car's gas pedal/accelerator, users can granularly control the speed based on the set (0.1 - 0.9 m/s) limit with the joystick.
Higher speeds beyond 0.9m/s are possible however are not enabled by default - only upon request.
For omnidirectional robots, steering can be controlled with Shift
keys as shown below. The keys will move the robot on the X axis/plane (sideways)
Seirios RNS supports multiple mapping algorithms. Jump to the algorithm of interest here on the right panel (desktop view only) ➡️
Please be informed that all mapping modes (except 2D mapping) are disabled by default as they require special hardware configurations. These include Automatic mapping
, 3D mapping
, RTAB mapping
and ORB-SLAM mapping
and are indicated with flags 🚩 below
The most commonly used mapping algorithm, the cameras mounted on robots populate and generate a map of its surroundings
Users can manually teleoperate the robot, to 'reveal' the map represented by white areas in the map
Incorporating this feature into Seirios allows users to automatically map large areas without manually driving with virtual controls. The auto-mapping feature was originally developed for a wall-scanning construction project
Automatic mapping without manual controls from users
Map does not save automatically once mapping is done. Click 'Stop' to prompt the 'save map' model
3D mapping requires a 3D LiDAR and a capable CPU (Intel/AMD x86 recommended)
For higher accuracy, range and better visual representation of environmental features, users can opt to map in 3D. A 2D map will be generated from a 3D map too
RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) is a RGB-D, Stereo and Lidar Graph-Based SLAM approach based on an incremental appearance-based loop closure detector.
As its namesake, it uses real time images to map the environment
ORB-SLAM is a keyframe and feature-based Monocular SLAM. It operates in real-time in large environments, being able to close loops and perform camera relocalisation from very different viewpoints.
Seirios is able to support mapping with the use of monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. Green 'dots' are features recognised and stored in the map data, generating a 2D map
Substitutable with similar cameras with depth sensing capabilities
Single event tasks are tasks that can be executed with one click
There are only two types of tasks in Seirios RNS;
Trail : where robot will follow the generated lines closely (will not deviate outside). When faced with obstacles, robot will stop until obstacles are removed.
Waypoints: where robot will not follow the lines and obstacles will be dynamically avoided (unless setting is toggled to stop-at-obstacle)
In this mode, users are required to Mark each point and a line will be generated between points.
Similar to Teleop Trail
, instead of moving the robot to mark, use the on-screen marker to drop points. Lines will be generated automatically.
The orientation is automatically defined after your next point is marked. Otherwise, use the WASD or analog controls to change the orientation
The Zone feature can automatically generate points (trail style) in a specified area.
Robot will execute generated points in trail style - obstacles will not be avoided and will follow exactly the line that is generated
You will require a minimum of 3 points to save a zone
The generated zone will look like this, where points will be generated close to each other;
Waypoints are similar to Mark Trail
where the only difference is that the robot does not follow the generated line closely. Obstacles will be avoided as the robot navigates in its environment.
If you are only marking one point, change the orientation of the pose with either your keyboard or the analog controls
Create multiple stations for either to dock for charging, or for other purposes
Users can create one or more (no limit) stations for a specific map to dock to - for charging or for other tasks (such as picking of objects with a robotic arm payload)
Users are required to drive the robot manually in the map (in the interest of accuracy and precision) and upon reaching the point of interest, capture the pose and store it as a station
For docking, ensure that the QR code is visible to the robot before saving it as a station
After station(s) are created, queue them together with other tasks to build an autonomous robotic process in your environment.
Besides charging, stations can be used to mark points of interest so robot(s) can dock to, with precision
Please refer to the external process handler page on how to integrate your own docking code
Due to various factors, like localisation drifts, it's important to adjust the localisation manually with the localiser
From the mode switcher, select the Localise
button and click Start
Once the laser scan is aligned properly, click save to localise
For autonomous operations, use the Task Manager to queue different tasks together and introduce different elements such as Delays and Stations
From the top left corner, click the hamburger menu button to expand the options and click on Task Manager. You will be presented with two options, Tasklist and Scheduler.
These two options share many similarities but Scheduler introduces the element of time on top of queued tasks.
From here, select Tasks (Path, Goal, Zone, Station, Custom
or Delay
) to create a list of tasks that can be run with a single click.
After saving the list, your tasks can be previewed as shown below
From here, run your Tasks now by clicking 'Run Now' or put this Tasklist into the queue with 'Add to Queue' at the bottom of the screen
To schedule these tasks to run at a later date/time, edit the task (by clicking the pencil icon) and input the date and time details
You can also save these scheduled tasklists as Active or Inactive
Seirios supports integration with state machines. Flexbe is tried and tested to be compatible with Seirios and it includes an editor with which you can create your own conditions;
On top of the core features, Seirios RNS are bundled with supplementary features too;
Customisations can be made via Settings
The Settings
modal can be shown by clicking on the top left menu icon. Here you will find the following settings;
When enabled, robots will stop moving when humans are detected. Custom auxiliary commands (such as turning off the UV light) can be pre-programmed. Used for specific use-cases, the human detection usually leads to certain behaviours. For example;
When a UV disinfection robot detects a human, the UV lights will be disabled to prevent harm unto the detected human
When faced with obstacles, the robot will not attempt to plan around the obstacle for safety reasons.
This is particularly useful when the environment is tight or with fragile objects; robots will not keep reattempting to navigate (forward, backward, forward...) but wait for human intervention.
In teleoperation mode, robots will still stop if faced with obstacles.
As robots are not always in human users' view, robots will automatically stop when faced with obstacles even in manual / Teleoperation mode. This may present unintended behaviours to the robot to the user therefore an option for users to turn off or on
Set a battery percentage (in %) and the robot will automatically navigate back to home and dock (if available) when the battery level falls under the set percentage.
When at Home and charging, if users intend to disconnect the robot, a modal will warn and prompt the user this battery fallback toggle to be disabled - as the robot will keep re-attempting to return to home to charge
To ensure only authorised staff are allowed to connect and operate the robot, users are able to create new credentials to provide access with end users or staff.
The user management feature is currently being revamped. Please expect an update soon
Presently, only Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) are supported officially as an extra language in Seirios RNS.
For additional languages, please use your browser's translator (Google Translate for Chrome) in the meantime.
Users using Seirios in different environments and conditions have the option to switch between dark and light mode - under Settings
Errors are logged and displayed here under 'Health Care'
Different users may have different use cases to edit a map. With the map editor feature, users are able to;
Annotate - name an area
Create no-go zones (where robots will not be able to navigate into/to)
Yes-go zones (where users are able to 'clear' obstacles formed during the mapping process or to undo no-go zones)
Users can access the map editor by clicking this icon
Users will be presented with a set of options to edit the map;
Options are categorised by shapes - where users are able to choose whether to Annotate/Name, create No-go zones, and Yes-Go Zones. These categories are 'Squares', 'Polygon' and 'Others' (single lines)
A single line as an option can be used to create precise and thin obstacles such as walls
The Queue Manager is a feature for users to;
View past, present (active) and future tasks that are queued
Re-arrange tasks (admin only)
Presently, there are 2 ways to view the Queue Manager
Method 1 : In Homepage view, by clicking the white status bar the Queue manager will appear
Method 2 : By clicking the persistent icon at the top left of the screen, if not in Homepage view
Re-arrange the order of queue list by dragging the tasks up or down
There are two types of Non-Fully Qualified Tasks, Auxiliary Tasks, and Custom Tasks.
Auxiliary tasks are executables such as lights, music, sound, or others*.
They are created and executed independently.
They must be 'stacked' on top of fully qualified tasks and will be executed together at the specified time and sequence
You can fill name for the Aux Task Name, then there are 3 Types that you can choose.
1. Roslaunch File: You can launch your aux task using the roslaunch file, please fill the LaunchFile as the full path of the launch file that you want to launch.
2. Rosnode: You can launch your aux task by calling the rosnode, please fill the Pkg as the package of the rosnode, and Executable as the executable file. It will similar to this:
rosrun <Package> <Executable>
3. Executable Scripts: You can launch the aux task by executing the executable scripts, please fill the Executable as the full path of the script file, and also you can add the arguments as well (optional). It will similar to this:
bash ./script.sh arg
Custom tasks are tasks that move robots - such as docking or picking with a robotic arm. These movements are programmed as custom tasks and can be chained with other tasks to create a fully autonomous robotic operation.
For more details on how to integrate your own custom task code, please refer to our external process handler guide
Besides intuitive features on the interface, Seirios RNS brings key robotic capabilities that are not apparent on the user interface but silently powering and enabling robots to move in challenging environments Please visit the following articles for more information:
Seirios RNS is able to navigate on uneven and rough terrains - conditions that will usually throw localisation off due to the tilt and different FOV angles when robots are on an inclined/downward position
These environments also include environments with kerbs and ramps - often seen in everyday public places.
Current inclination supported : ∠15°
Case study : WSS
This prevents unintended collisions into the shins/legs of human users or other 'thin' obstacles, this is enabled by default in Seirios